Meet the Seductress Archetype
The Scene
She knows exactly what she is doing. The pouty red lipstick, the open faced top, the necklace that points downward while framing her breasts. Like a venus flytrap she has presented an irresistible trap. She does the taking. She does the claiming. She's not here to give, lift up, or nurture. No such feminine inclinations are on her mind today. She wants to wield her power and her allure with reckless abandon.
A bar in Manhattan. She is wearing something so provocative out because she knows exactly what she is doing. it's dimly lit, but everything important to see is on display.
The Plot
Her chosen lover...or maybe victim...walks up to her boldly and traces his finger gently between her breasts. He slowly caresses under and then lower. She instinctively uncrosses her legs and opens them wide as if his gesture has unlocked her and given him access to what he wants. As her legs come apart, her yoni is visible to anyone who wants to see. Being a gentleman he pushes forward to cover up what is now his with his body. She can feel the fabric of his pants between her legs and against her thighs. She can feel the heat from his body against her pussy.
What Happens Next
She slips her hand against his arousal while he protects her from onlookers in this very public place. She can feel how excited he is. The power is now in her hands ...his...hers...both of theirs. He closes his eyes and sighs as she strokes him through his pants with a long up and down gliding motion. His pleasure has become audible and is no longer very discrete. She takes one finger and puts it to her lips to say, "hush" while smiling. Then she whispers, "I'm going to make you cum."
Her Light
She is pure allure. For him, her being tells him there are things worth fighting for in this world. There are still magical creatures that make him feel.
Light Shadow
For her, he is the object of exploitation. He will due for tonight though for him she is forever.