The Scene
Her small studio is in the heart of the city - a little room where she works her magic. Here she is surrounded by art, mostly charcoal drawings in black and white. The images capture the pain and turn it into form...turn it into something compelling and beautiful. It's a soulful abode full of richness and mystery even if it seems to lack color. It's where the dark is left so that he can live full of light. She leaves a table in the center of her space. Erotic massage and time with her breasts are the offer here. Whatever he needs.
The Plot
Slowly opening the door, he steps in from the hallway and into her barely lit apartment. The door closes behind him. As he turns, he sees her naked form in the darkness. She notices her breasts and his groin erupts in excitement. Her breasts are perfect. Drawing closer to. He bends down slightly to take one of her nipples into his mouth. She caresses the back of his head as he takes all of her in. Taking one of his hands, he places it on her pussy. He clasps it tightly.
What Happens Next
She knows what he needs even if he doesn't. Not letting his excitement get in the way of what he needs, she slowly undresses him. He clumsily helps in haste and pulls whatever he can off as fast as possible...as sock here, a pair of boxers there. She guides him to her massage table and lays him on his stomach. She will massage him for the next two hours to settle him down and work his arousal into a lather. When he cums, she will cum well.
Her Light
Her compassion seems to know no bounds. She is there for him - to pick him up when he is down. She can reliably take on dark and give back light.
Light Shadow
She loves to suffer a bit too much. Martyrdom comes a bit too easily to her. When self-sacrifice becomes the basis of guilt, her powers to remove pain begin to create it.