Welcome to our short form erotica stories
The Scene
A Greek island where her red dress can contrast the deep blues of the ocean and calming whites of the architecture. She brings spark, life, and chaos to this enchanted world of more subdued hues.
The Plot
The red dress was to make sure she stood out...and she does. Her legs are gently parted to direct her love to where she wants him. The breeze excites her, and tosses her dress around revealing more and less based on where the gust moves the flowing fabric. She gently nudges her lover's head between her legs where it finds a perfect fit. Tossing her dress over her exposed thigh she provides her lover a bit of privacy as he begins his work. His tongue gently glides across her wetness. She knows she is filling him up as she can feel her pussy filling up and pouring out.
What Happens Next
She gently lifts his head. Now, it's time for him to be inside her. He slips himself into her wetness. Immediately he is engulfed by her warmth. He signs as it feels like a well-earned safe harbor. Savoring every moment, he begins to gently thrust. She slips one hand on his ass and another behind his neck while staring straight into his eyes. Now is no time to relax, she suggests. "Get to work boy," she whispers to him.
Her Light
It's her way or else. She doesn't play by anyone's rules so adventure and the unexpected are both inevitable. Excitement is guaranteed for the thrill seeker.
Light Shadow
With the unexpected sometimes comes chaos. Drama seems to follow this one without fail. Don't expect a peaceful existence with her.